Click on a DVD title below to read about Easter Eggs for that disc:
Note: Titles appearing twice indicate two different editions with different eggs.
(R1) - United States and Canada
(R2) - Europe, Japan, Middle East, Egypt, and South Africa
(R3) - South East Asia
(R4) - Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Caribbean, South America
(R5) - India, Africa, Russia, and former Soviet-Block Countries
(R6) - Peoples Republic of China
(R0) - Unencoded - All Regions
(A) - Blu-Ray - The Americas, and their dependencies, East Asia (except Mainland China and Mongolia), Southeast Asia.
(B) - Blu-Ray - Africa, Southwest Asia, Europe (except Russia), Oceania, and their dependencies.
(C) - Blu-Ray - Central Asia, East Asia (Mainland China and Mongolia only), South Asia, Central Eurasia (including Russia), and their dependencies.
Nacho Libre (R1)
The Nail: Tooth & Nail Volume 9 (R1)
Nanny McPhee (R1)
Napalm Death: Punishment In Capitals (R1)
Napoleon Dynamite (R1)
National Lampoon Presents Mr. Wong (R1)
National Lampoon's Gold Diggers (R1)
National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 (R1)
National Lampoon's TV: The Movie (R1)
National Lampoon's Van Wilder (R1)
National Treasure (R1, R2)
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets (R1)
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets (Blu-ray) (A)
Natural Born Killers (R1, R2)
Natural City (R3)
Negativland: Our Favorite Things (R1)
The Negotiator (R1)
Neon Genesis Evagelion - Collection 0:1 (R1)
Neon Genesis Evagelion - Collection 0:4 (R1)
Neon Genesis Evagelion - Collection 0:5 (R1)
Neon Genesis Evagelion - Collection 0:6 (R1)
Neon Genesis Evagelion - Collection 0:7 (R4)
Neon Genesis Evagelion - Collection 0:8 (R1)
Neon Genesis Evagelion - Platinum 0:7 (R1)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Perfect Collection (R1)
Netforce (R1)
Network (R1)
The New Barbarians (R1)
New Best Friend (R1)
The New World (R1)
Next Friday (R1)
Nick Allen's Xtreme Show - Season 59 Episodes 17-19 (R1)
Nico and Dani (R1)
Night at the Museum (R1)
The Night Flier (R1)
Night of the Bloody Apes / Feast of Flesh (R1)
Night of the Living Dead (R1)
Night of the Living Dorks (R1)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (R1, R2)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (R1)
A Nightmare on Elm Street Collection (A)
The Nightmare Series Encyclopedia (R1)
Nine Inch Nails: And All That Could Have Been (R1, R4)
Nine Inch Nails: And All That Could Have Been (R2)
Ninja Scroll (R1)
Ninja Scroll (R1)
The Ninth Gate (R1, R2)
Nirvana: Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! (R1)
No Doubt: Rock Steady Live (R1)
No Doubt: The Videos 1992-2003 (R1)
No Manners (R0)
Noein: To Your Other Self - Volume 1 (R1)
Noir: Cloaks and Daggers - Volume 6 (R1)
Noir: Death Warrant - Volume 4 (R1)
Noir: End of the Matter - Volume 7 (R1)
Noir: Hit List - Volume 2 (R1)
Noir: Shades of Darkness - Volume 1 (R1)
Noir: Terminal Velocity - Volume 5 (R1)
Noir: The Firing Chamber (R1)
The Nomi Song (R1)
Not Another Teen Movie (R1, R2, R4)
Not Another Teen Movie (R1)
The Notorious Concubines (R1)
Notting Hill (R1, R2)
Novocaine (R1)
Nowhere Man - The Complete Series (R1)
The Nugget (R4)
Nuns on the Run (R2)
Nurse Betty (R1)
The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (R1)