Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Free Enterprise (1999)
Five Year Mission Extended Edition Two-Disc Set (Region: 1)

Visit the Official Site

- Go to "Deleted Scenes"
- Toggle to the bottom of the first page, highlight the image of the Enterprise
- Press "Enter", you will now see an interview between Rafer and Eric
Reported by: Clayton George

Bonus Deleted Scene:
- Go to "Deleted Scenes"
- Toggle to the bottom of the second page, highlight the image in the bottom left that looks like a TNG era Romulan Warbird
- Press "Enter", you will now see the deleted scene called, "LightSaber Fight in Toys R Us"
Reported by: Clayton George

© 2004-2019, JOC

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for entertainment purposes only and presented without warranty.