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Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

Buy this DVD NOW and SAVE!


An Evening with Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder (2006)
(Region: 1)

Visit the Official Site

Disc 1: From the Subtitles Menu, highlight "Play" and then press your Up button. A maple leaf will appear. Press your Enter button for a clip of Kevin discussing the Degrassi High episodes.

Disc 1: From the Bonus Menu, highlight "Main Menu". Press your Left button to display a maple leaf. Press your Enter button for another about the Degrassi High episodes.

Bonus Feature:
Disc 2: In the Previews page, highlight "Special Features". Press your Up button and a crown will appear on Kevin's head. Press your Enter button for footage from an autograph signing at The Secret Stash.
Reported by: Sandy

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