Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

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Doctor Who: The Tomb of the Cybermen (1975)
(Regions: 1, 2, 4)

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Audio Track:
From the "Play All" option in the main menu, press your Up button. The Doctor Who logo at the top of the screen will turn green. pressing your Enter button will display the opening title sequence separately, without taking you into any of the chapters. Not much to it, but it's neat.

In the "Special Features" menu, on the 2nd page, choose "Audio Options" (which is the area that allows you to activate the commentary). pressing your Left button will again turn the Doctor Who logo at the top to a green color. Pressing your Enter button this time will treat you to an audio-only advertisement for the Doctor Who series "The Abominable Snowmen", which followed "Tomb of the Cybermen" in broadcast order.

Bonus Clip:
Starting with the Doctor Who logo highlighted in the main menu, use the left & right buttons until you can highlight the photo of Patrick Troughton. Press your Enter button.

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