Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Hellboy (2004)
Director's Cut (Regions: 1, 2, 3, 4)

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Director Comments:
On Disc 1 navigate to the "Special Features" Menu. Highlight "Main Menu" and press your Down button to make bullet holes show in the left corner of the screen. Press your Enter button.

Bonus Feature:
On Disc 1 navigate to the "Special Features" Menu. Highlight "Main Menu" and press your Down button to make bullet holes show in the left corner of the screen. Press down again and the crown will highlight. Press your Enter button.

DVD Out Take:
On Disc 1 play the "Introduction". When you return to the main menu, hilight "Introduction" again and press your Up button to make bullet holes appear and then press your Enter button or out takes of Guillermo del Toro shooting the introduction for the DVD.

Bonus Feature:
On disc 2 select 'Kroenen's Lair' press your Enter button.
On second page select 'Board Animatics',Enter button.
Hilight 'Back' , press your Down button, three drops will appear.press Enter button on 3 drops.
Reported by: bradley elkins

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