Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Girls Will Be Girls (2003)
(Region: 1)

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Bonus Clips:
On the DVD's "Main Menu" highlight the 'Play' option and press your Up button. This should highlight one of three clips available on that side of the screen, all of which can be activated by pressing the 'enter' key.
Reported by: RyanBurgos

Bonus Clips:
Now, highlight the 'Subtitles' option on the "Main Menu" and then press the 'Up' button once more. This will give you access to two more hidden Evie rants.
Reported by: RyanBurgos

Bonus Clips:
Finally, go to the "Special Features" sub menu. Highlight the 'Commentary' option and then press your Right button. This will allow you to view even more clips.
Reported by: RyanBurgos

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