Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
(Regions: 1, 4)

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Spider Facts:
From the main menu, when it first starts a spider will run from the left side. Right after that a spider will come from the right side above the select languages box and stop push up from "Select Language" and a target will appear. Press your Enter button and you will get information on the Black Widow Spider.

Go to the "Special Features" menu and select the "Creepy Crawling Giants" feature. On the second page of this, a spider will run down from the top of the screen and stop just above the two arrows. Press your Up button from the right-pointing arrow and a target appears on the spider. Press your Enter button and you will find information about Jumping Spiders.

Go to "Select Languages". A spider will run down from the top of the screen and stop. Press your Up button from the "Special Features" button and a target appears on the spider. Press your Enter button, and you find info on Tarantulas.

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